
New Clients:

Please CLICK HERE for instructions on completing your consent and intake forms before your appointment.

Need to schedule an appointment? Call 407-823-5841 to speak with a member of our team.

UCF Healthy Knight Health Huts

Visit our Peer Advocates daily around campus to talk about a wide variety of health and wellness topics, play some games, and win prizes. Do you have a passion for health and wellness? We are always looking for volunteers to join our team and help us encourage positive lifestyle choices.

Online Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Resources

We have several guided meditations that we recorded that you are free to use.

Healthy Knights 2020

HK2020 is a comprehensive plan with goals and objectives to achieve a healthier and safer campus community, as well as specific action steps to reach those goals. These action steps then translate into new initiatives, enhancements in service delivery, changes in strategies, and increased collaboration between departments.

Mental Health Minute

The University of Central Florida- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). The purpose of this channel is to increase awareness around college mental health issues and topics

Healthy and Easy Recipes

Our friends at the University of Arizona share quick and good-for-you recipes tailored to college students! If you’re looking for gluten-free, vegan, or dairy-free recipes, this is also a great resource.

Where can I find free condoms?

Where can I find a Tower Garden?

Other Resources