


Daily recommendation 

300-400 mg of caffeine is considered moderate and safe. This is the equivalent of 3-4 cups of coffee.


What happens when you consume too much caffeine?

Taking caffeine at night can cause insomnia/make it difficult to sleep

Caffeine can cause jitteriness and restlessness

Some users report anxiety

Upset stomach

Racing heartbeat

Feeling irritable



Heightened energy

Increased focus

Diuretic (peeing a lot)



How to cut back 

Mix decaf with regular

Substitute coffee with decaf and herbal tees

Eliminate caffeine from your diet, such as sodas, energy drink, and some cold medicines.

Give caffeine 8 hours to wear off for a good night’s sleep


Caffeinated Beverages Caffeine (mg) Ounces
Coffee 77-150 6
Tea 40-80 5
Coca-Cola 35 12
Dr. Pepper 41 12
Mountain Dew 54 12
Pepsi 38 12


Energy Drinks Caffeine (mg) Ounces
Amp 75 8.4
Red Bull 80 8.4
Monster 160 16
Rockstar 160 16
Wired X505 505 24


Pre-workouts Caffeine (mg) Ounces
C4 135 6
Bucked Up 200 8
Lit 250 8
Woke AF 333 8

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